
Costume Stories, This Week: Oscar and Hart of Dixie | Clothes on Film


Costume designer Casey Storm on creating a “warm and cosy and soothing” future.

David Chronenberg: Evolution

For WORN, Haley Mlotek examines the costumes on display at the Chronenberg exhibition, most of which are by the director’s sister, Denise. Unfortunately ‘Evolution’ closes on 19th January.

Oscar Nominations

Nathalie Atkinson on why the Best Costume Design category has basically become ‘Best Taffeta in a Leading Role’. Nailed it.

And HERE she casts an eye over the equally baffling CDGA’s.

African Dandies

The new Guinness ad draws attention to some colourfully dressed gentlemen we really should be seeing a lot more of by now.

Carol Ramsey

Costume designer of Horrible Bosses and Mr. & Mrs. Bridge has created new uniforms for the Miami Shelborne Hotel.

Hart of Dixie

Costume designer Cameron Dale: “Never buy a kid a Rolex”. Good interview about the popular comedy/drama show starring Rachel Bilson.


Costume designer Lynn Paolo explains why she dressed Kerry Washington as Olivia Pope in ‘Pepto pink’ for season one. We still haven’t seen this show and we’re ashamed. Promise we’ll rectify soon.

Batman vs. Superman

Don’t forget Wonder Woman, she’s getting a new look too.

Peaky Blinders

Teenage auditionees for season 2 turn up in costume (kind of). Very cute.

© 2014, Lord Christopher Laverty.