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    Review: Captain America: The First Avenger

    Directed By: Joe Johnston Starring: Chris Evans, Hayley Atwell, Hugo Weaving Old school, Saturday matinee fun, Captain America: The First Avenger is director Joe Johnston’s best since The Rocketeer (1991) and features some of the finest superhero genre costume design ever committed to film. The assured skill of designer Anna B. Sheppard brings The First Avenger alive, blending potentially high camp ensembles into a believable story environment; one that is essentially a fantasy parallel of our own. It is childish and fun, but with a serious dramatic core at its heart. The 1940s backdrop is rich with costume and production design motifs; muted sepia with flashes of patriotic colour. Captain…

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    Clash of The Titans Teaser Trailer Hits and Hits Hard

    Just days behind our first glimpse at Prince of Persia, we have a minute or so teaser trailer for Clash of the Titans. It’s certainly loud. Watch the HD trailer HERE Frenzied, deafening, BIG scorpions and hairdo – just a few words that spring to mind upon seeing this montage. Not much chance to soak up the costumes, but the look is calculable: tunics and armour, Keffiyah headdress and kilts. Costume designer for Clash of the Titans is Welsh born Lindy Hemming. Noted for putting Pierce Brosnan’s James Bond in Brioni for GoldenEye (1995), Hemming has notched up a sizable Hollywood CV with enough blockbusters to start her own franchise.…