
Puttin' on the Glitz: An Upcoming Fashion and Film Event | Clothes on Film

Here’s a bit of justified promotion for an event you will absolutely want to see: fashion historian, DJ for Jazz FM, author and Clothes on Film contributor, Amber Jane Butchart, teams up with your very own editor, Christopher Laverty, for an exquisite evening entitled on 28th March in London.

Taking place at the sumptuous, gorgeous, you-really-should-have-been-there-by-now British Library, Amber and Christopher present two separate talks pertaining to the 1920/30’s Jazz Era before coming together to answer questions from the audience. After that, there will be cocktails and period frivolities courtesy of The Vintage Mafia. It all starts at 6.30 pm and finishes around 10.30, so plenty of time to be entertained, educated, and tipsy.

The beautiful British Library is about five minutes walk from King’s Cross and St. Pancras International train stations. Full details on the library website.

The following press release is pulled directly from the British Library website, where you can find out a little more about Amber and Christopher, as well as book tickets for the event itself. Tickets cost £8 (£6 for over 60’s, £5 for students), and we conservatively estimate that this will be the best money you have ever spent in your life:

Fashion extraordinaire Amber Jane Butchart transports you to the glitz and glamour of Jazz Age Hollywood and the costumes that took London by storm. She draws on the Library’s collection of vintage magazines in this talk with Christopher Laverty, editor of the popular blog Clothes on Film, who examines the flamboyantly dressed Dandy Gangster as portrayed in the HBO series Boardwalk Empire.

Joan Crawford in Letty Lynton, just one of the memorable 1920s/30’s dresses featured in Amber’s talk.

From Theda Bara and Ginger Rogers to the costume designers who became celebrities in their own right, Amber explores fashion on the big screen during the 1920s/30’s. Magazines like Photoplay and Vogue featured Hollywood stars and every detail of their costumes, exciting fans and retailers to recreate dresses like the famous ruffled gown worn by Joan Crawford in the 1932 film Letty Lynton.

Gangsters from the 1920s Prohibition era cared more for their suits, hats and shoes than anything else. They wore lavish fabrics and glaringly bright tones. Chris examines the history of the ‘dandy gangster’ and the specifics of his attire. He gives us exclusive access to the costumes in award-winning series Boardwalk Empire and the influence these colourful men still have on fashion today.

This event is perfect for fashion designers and students, bloggers, costume designers, film-makers and anyone interested in fashion. A drinks reception of Prohibition era cocktails will follow, kindly sponsored by The Eccles Centre for American Studies.

For a bit of further reading why not check out THIS POST where Amber and Christopher select their favourite jazz era accessories? One simply cannot not overestimate the value of a good turban and pocket square.

For more information and to book tickets, direct your fingers to the .

© 2014, Lord Christopher Laverty.