
The Lovely Bones: Royal Premiere Pics | Clothes on Film


Stars of The Lovely Bones, Michael Imperioli, Susan Sarandon and Saoirse Ronan meet Prince Charles.

No Clothes on Film wasn’t invited, but we have got some photos. On Tuesday 24th November 2009 the Royal Premiere performance for Peter Jackson’s The Lovely Bones took place at Odeon Leicester Square in London. Here is what some of the important people looked like:

Puffball: In the film Saoirse Ronan plays a young girl watching over her family from heaven.

Disco: Co-star Rose McIver


Tux: The Lovely Bones director Peter Jackson


Underwear: Little Boots. Not in the film


Heavy silk: Co-star Carolyn Dando

Overcoat: Andy Serkis minus mocap suit for once


Sequinny: Susan Sarandon again looking radiant


Suited: Co-star Reese Ritchie


Velvet: Stephen Fry. Startled

So far early reviews for The Lovely Bones have been surprisingly negative. Principal complaints stem from a toning down of the film’s rather macabre subject matter (see HERE) in order to achieve a PG rating.

Photos: Getty Images

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