
Why Clothes on Film has been so Quiet Recently | Clothes on Film

Note from the Editor:

You may have noticed that Clothes on Film has not been updated as frequently recently. We’ve had some excellent analysis and a few strong interviews, but in general content has been considerably lighter than usual. Well there is a reason for this…

I have recently signed my first publishing deal to produce a book about, unsurprisingly, clothes in film. Specifically this will be a book about fashion in film. Apologies if this reads a tad vague; I promise more details will follow in the coming months. I will say now, however, that it is not just another tome describing pretty dresses or sharp suits in movies, nor is it a straightforward textbook only accessible to hardcore costume types and students. It will be a coffee table publication with tons of photos and illustrations, some of which will be exclusive, and all new text, again with exclusive insight, written entirely by myself. I think – I hope – you’re really going to enjoy it.

Nonetheless penning a book takes a lot of research, note-taking, writing and re-writing. My publisher’s deadline is the first half of 2015, although the book will not hit shelves until later in the year, or possibly even 2016. What this means for Clothes on Film is that over the next few months I will not be able to devote as much time to publishing fresh articles. There will still be some new content, probably every couple of weeks, and don’t forget that the ARCHIVE IS HUGE. Moreover thanks to Clothes on Film’s outstanding contributors there will also be the odd wildcard retrospective on a classic movie or TV show. I will personally try to concentrate on new releases whenever possible, both theatrical and DVD. With a new series of Boardwalk Empire due in the fall and that Star Wars film well underway, I can assure you serious coverage of the big hitters.

Hopefully you will understand my position. Clothes on Film has always been about quality rather than frequency of posting, and I am just not willing to sacrifice the high standard of content. Things should ease up early next year so hang in until then. Plus you will have a nice book to read at some point too! Rest assured Clothes on Film is not going anywhere; it is just making way for some moonlighting on the side. Stayed tuned to Twitter, Facebook and my personal Instagram account for updates on the book. As always your continued support and passion for the site is much appreciated. Clothes on Film is nothing without its loyal readers.

Love and best Wishes,

Christopher Laverty, creator and editor of Clothes on Film

© 2014 – 2015, Lord Christopher Laverty.