
Clothes on Film is 3rd Most Influential UK Cinema Blog. Nice | Clothes on Film

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Okay, self promotion show off time. Clothes on Film is now the third Most Influential Cinema Blog in the UK according to Wikio. Back slaps and cheap champagne all round. Down two from one, but still…

Here is the full Top 30 for May. If you can remember the chart countdown tune to Top of the Pops, hum it now:

Now, two days ago I published a sneak preview of the May list provided by Wikio that continued to list Clothes on Film as the No.1 blog. Clearly that was wrong so here I am publishing an amendment. Still I did beat Mr. Kermode and his big BBC resources for one month at least so we’ll keep the champagne flowing. Well, maybe Cava instead.

Incidentally these results are compiled by the amount and weight of incoming blog links, plus some other Wikio technical gubbins that I will not pretend to understand.

Anyway thanks to everyone for supporting Clothes on Film, also to my small but select band of contributors for writing some proper high quality posts. If the site tumbles further down next month, I won’t blame any of you.

With Clothes on Film now celebrating its first year birthday (5th May 2009, first post) this has been a rather special present. Though if anyone wants to send me an actual birthday present, I’ll be up for that too.

Thanks again, you lovely lot.

Chris Laverty

Editor, Clothes on Film

© 2010, Chris Laverty.

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