
New Thor Pic: Now Hopkins & Hiddleston. Hmmm | Clothes on Film

© 2010 Chris Laverty. All rights reserved.

The first image from Thor showcasing characters other than the hammer man himself has been released. No, the film is not a musical.

We are not saying that we dislike the costumes by Alexandra Byrne, it is just that the overly bright lighting, oddly Doctor Who circa 1970s set and Anthony Hopkins wearing some chocolate foil over his eye is hardly projecting the image of a $150 million film. With Oscar winner Byrne involved especially, but considering Kenneth Branagh directing and quality co-stars such as Stellan Skarsgård and Natalie Portman appearing alongside Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston and Hopkins himself, this rather campy look has to be intentional.

To be fair also, the costumes say what they need to from the get-go. We had already seen Hemsworth as Thor HERE, but now we get a slightly better peek at this short-handled hammer, Mjolnir (still possibly CG). Hiddleston playing Thor’s half brother and main villain Loki is evil it would seem primarily due to the severity of his cheekbones (though no horns). Anthony Hopkins upfront as the boys’ father Odin is certainly majestic. That breastplate armour is cleverly dimensional and robust.

Perhaps then we are being too harsh? We were tough on the first two images and now another comes along in exactly the same vein. Again taking nothing away from Alexandra Byrne, but Thor just looks to be a lighter version of the grumpy Marvel god than we were expecting.

Thor is set to be dug up and converted to 3D on 6th May, 2011.

Source: Marvel

© 2010, Chris Laverty.

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