
Garrick overcoat | Clothes on Film

dark-shadows_helena-bonham-carter-sunglasses_trailer-cap-1-150x150-6577069 © 2012 Lord Christopher Laverty. All rights reserved. By: Lord Christopher LavertyFiled under Clothes from 1837-1919, Clothes from 1970s, Girls in Films, Guys in Films. Tagged 1800s, Bill Gibb, Clothes from 1970s, Colleen Atwood, Dark Shadows, disco, Eva Green, Garrick overcoat, gothic, Helena Bonham Carter, Jack Sparrow, Johnny Depp, Laura Ashley, manmade fibres, Michelle Pfeiffer, polyester, print, sequins, sports jacket, sunglasses, Tim Burton. Bookmark the permalink.

Watch the first trailer for Tim Burton’s Dark Shadows and burst with costume excitement. Continue reading