
Hot Scot! Holly Fulton Designs for Sex and the City 2 | Clothes on Film

Glasgow born fashion designer Holly Fulton is to contribute ten outfits for Sarah Jessica Parker in the Sex and the City sequel. Not bad going as the film is likely to be a ninety minute catwalk with occasional rudies.

Created for Fashion East, Holly Fulton’s outfits are delicious vintage inspired soup with a garnish of insanity. Maybe not what one would immediately expect for the glitzy ra-ra world of SATC. Fulton herself, though, would disagree.

Speaking to British Vogue:

I like to associate my designs with women who are distinctive individuals and wear them in their own way, so it’s a brilliant opportunity for a new designer like myself to be associated with the phenomenon of SATC.

A hefty ten of the 31 year old Scot’s designs have been requested for the movie. How many actually make it to the final cut is in the lap of the lighting and lens gods. Moreover headline star Jessica Parker will presumably have to sign off on them too.

Fulton continues:

I like to think of my designs as having luxurious connotations and with Patricia Field’s eclectic styling they could end up in the mix with any number of wondrous designer creations. SJP can easily carry off my clothes – she has a unique beauty and makes things her own, and is not afraid of a heavy dose of crystallised glamour!

As writer, romantic and all-round New York socialite Carrie, Sarah Jessica Parker has already worn some outrageous ensembles in the TV show responsible for last year’s first big screen adaptation.

In one episode she donned a fluffy muskrat coat carcass, another a bubblegum pink military jacket with black lace frogging. These outfits must have seemed like a good idea at the time, even if in hindsight they are head-in-the-hands hideous. That’s the thing with Sex and the City though, sartorially at least, it is never boring.

Holly Fulton is probably seen as a bit of a gamble for the film’s costume designer, SATC regular Patricia Field and her team. Yet being up and coming in the right-on world of fashion lends certain credibility to the picture. Plus nuzzling up alongside the likes of already confirmed Chanel, Halston and Manolo Blahnik is an obvious shot in the arm for Fulton too.

Even if Sex and the City 2 is a less than hotly anticipated project, the clothes will always be a scorching topic. Thanks to Holly Fulton and her embellishment happy creations, now more than ever.

Source: Vogue.co.uk

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