
Latest Man of Steel Trailer: The Dark Suit in Action | Clothes on Film

If this new trailer for Man of Steel was the actual movie, then it would be difficult not to stand up and salute at the end. This is three minutes of very worthy, very dramatic, very promising footage for one of the most anticipated films of the year. Best of all though, we really get to see the new Superman suit in action.

Costumes designers for Man of Steel are two legends of the industry, James Acheson (Doctor Who, Spider-Man) and Michael Wikinson (Watchmen, Tron Legacy). Quite how these men divided their time on the film remains a tight-lipped mystery for now, but being as both have significant sci-fi experience we have to assume it was a close collaboration rather than split down the middle (i.e. civilian and hero wear). It has already been commented upon how dark and drained of colour the new Superman suit is; seemingly it is based on the revamped ‘New 52’ comic book version from 2011. Also significant is what the suit is made of, which in context is supposed to a Kryptonian material. It is not just a uniform for Henry Cavill’s ultimate superhero, it is protection. More than anything, the Man of Steel suit is a second skin.

The new costume is already causing dissent on fan forums. As always though, we will wait to see it within the framework of the movie before making judgements. No-one can argue with the pedigree behind the costume designers; Acheson and Wilkinson are about as safe a choice as anyone could wish for.

Man of Steel directed by Zach Snyder is released on 14th June.

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