
Thor: Costume Revealed. Sort Of | Clothes on Film

Here is the first official photo of Chris Hemsworth as Thor, courtesy of Yahoo (nip over there for the full image). Just a sneaky peek at the costume, but it is enough to get the collective internet moaning/cheering.

Simply titled ‘Thor’, this is director Kenneth Branagh’s 2011 slated version of the Marvel superhero. In addition to Hemsworth, the film also stars Natalie Portman as love interest Jane Foster, Anthony Hopkins as Thor’s father Odin and Tom Hiddleston playing big villain/Thor’s half-brother, Loki.

For those not that well acquainted with the Marvel universe, Thor is not actually a person, he is a god. The god of thunder to be exact. In punishment for instigating an ancient feud, Thor is cast down to live amongst us mortals where he gets another chance to demonstrate his strength and bravery when Loki turns up to cause havoc on earth. The premise is based on Norse mythology and has been expressed in a variety of different ways by Marvel Comics over the years.

This makes Oscar winning costume designer Alexandra Byrne’s job particularly tricky. She needs to combine elements of some or all variations of the character into an outfit that keeps old fans happy yet also sits comfortably in the current Marvel movie universe. From this image alone it appears she has taken most of her inspiration from the ‘Ultimate’ incarnation of Thor.

With Iron Man 2 just about on general release, Marvel are clearly striking while the iron, or should that be hammer, is hot.

Source: Yahoo! Movies

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