
Now Thor Costume Leaks: Must Be a Trend | Clothes on Film

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Okay, this is getting silly. After those Captain America costume pics ‘leaked’ yesterday, here is some similarly early concept art for Kenneth Branagh’s Thor. What. A. Coincidence!

To be 100% honest it is hard not to raise a smile at these images. The outfit is true to the Marvel comic source (to a degree) and well put together, though the quality of these pics is not doing costume designer Alexandra Byrne’s work a lot of favours. Still, we are in the era of aggressive internet marketing, so released they are, no matter how bizarre digi-Chris Hemsworth standing in the middle of bright white cyberspace with a glowing hammer is.

These shots follow on from a barely there photograph of Hemsworth in costume from back in April. Now we get to see more detail, specifically the structure of the ensemble, e.g. chest piece, armour, cape, leather type trousers and motorcycle boots – but no helmet…

Opinions on Thor’s get-up are sure to rage like the mighty Norse God himself. For our money though, we just wish they had waited until a properly ‘in context’ shot was ready, one that shows Thor actually doing something rather than looking as though he’s posing for a superhero catalogue. It is a tricky costume to take seriously at the best of times, and really these don’t help.

Thor is due for release on 6th May, 2011.

Source: Collider

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