
Man of Steel: New Featurette Discusses the Superman Suit | Clothes on Film

Depending on how clean you want to go into Man of Steel, you could skip watching this 13 minute featurette altogether. Of course we had to watch it because the re-designed Superman suit is mentioned. Take a look if you are curious, although with under two weeks to go until the film is released it is not long to go cold turkey.

Michael Wilkinson and James Acheson are costume designers for Man of Steel. We still do not know how their responsibilities were divvied up. Did they work as a team? Did one take civilian wear and one hero/alien costumes? No idea until we interview them (HINT HINT). Only Michael Wilkinson talks on the video though, mainly about how the new suit had to feel organic to Superman’s world and the alien characters around him. Just by the by, in close-up the Spandex hexagonal fabric resembles the Tron Legacy light suit, which Wilkinson also designed. Also exciting is how it potentially functions as an under-suit for armour. The intention of the new suit mainly seems to be unification – it is not just a suit for Superman, it is a suit for all his kind.

Man of Steel is released on 14th June.

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