
Todd Phillips Talks The Hangover 2: No Vegas, Baby | Clothes on Film – Part 7328

Director Todd Phillips has spilled some proverbial beans on the sequel to his comedy smash The Hangover. He has not said much but he has said no Vegas.

The Hangover was arguably this year’s funniest movie. It featured a motley group of guys who travel to Las Vegas for a bachelor party and then wake up the following morning with no memory of the night before, no groom, and a baby in the closet.

The result was 96 minutes of deftly played, silly fun that, it must be said, felt pretty wrapped up by the end. Still with so many varied characters and another potentially disastrous situation to thrust them into, there could always be room for more man clowning and masturbation jokes. Todd Phillips seems to agree.

Talking to ComingSoon.net he confirmed:

I don’t think it’s necessarily going to tie as closely to this evening as maybe some people want or think, I think when you have created four really fun characters that have really good chemistry, you can take those guys and put them somewhere else and go through a new set of situations and circumstances and hopefully it’s just as interesting. What’s really ultimately appealing about The Hangover is these four guys and their interaction. It’s not even Vegas. It’s not so much the device as it is the characters.

No more Las Vegas is certainly a wise decision. Having bled the setting dry with hilarious consequences it is tough to know how a plot could develop involving all the same people. Something fresh is needed. Perhaps a St. Patrick’s Day blowout to end all blowouts? Another bachelor party, this time for Zach Galifianakis’ character marrying Paris Hilton? Maroon them all on a desert island? Afghanistan?

Even when pushed, Phillips was revealing nothing:

I’ve been instructed by Warners not to. I think you’ll be surprised by the setting and the circumstances of how they end up there.

Whatever Phillips and his writers come up with we hope it will not veer into Police Academy endless sequel territory. None of us has done enough to deserve that.

Pop back to Clothes on Film tomorrow for a sartorial rundown of The Hangover featuring exclusive observations from costume designer Louise Mingenbach. For the uninitiated this gives you twenty-odd hours to buy the DVD and see what all the fuss is about. Just don’t watch it in front of your parents/children/in-laws.

Source: ComingSoon.net

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