
Costume Stories: This Week, Arrested Development & Star Wars | http://clothesonfilm.net

The week in costume design stories and links.

Arrested Development

Costume designer Katie Sparks on duplicates and 70’s shirts. On 26th May it all happens. Deep breath, deep breath…

The Dirty Picture

Niharika Bhasin Khan: “My job is to get into the director’s head and see how he sees the characters.”

Pain and Gain

How to create trash on screen.


Marlane Stewart’s simple, streamlined costumes for Tom Cruise and company.

Spacesuit: Fashioning Apollo

Playtex designed the spacesuit. Yep.

Star Wars Episode VII

Just in case you missed it, Michael Kaplan landed the biggest job in the universe.

Behind the Candelabra

Sensational interview with costume designer Ellen Mirojnick by costume designer Kristin M. Burke.

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