
International Trailer for Brave = Delightful | http://clothesonfilm.net

Disney has just released an international trailer for their latest, Scotland set Pixar offering, Brave (directed by Brenda Chapman and Mark Andrews). Delightful, it is.

Brave takes place in fairytale ‘ancient times’, telling the story of Merida (voiced by Kelly Macdonald), a flame haired, headstrong tomboy keen to break convention and change her destiny in a male dominated land. Nothing new there, but this does look sumptuous. Plus the level of detail on the costumes is immense. Just look at Queen Elinor’s (Emma Thompson) Tudor style green dress as it realistically shimmies and sways around her.

If you are still not convinced that costume design has any place in animation, read our exclusive interview with Toy Story 3 director, Lee Unkrich. He will put you straight.

Brave is released on 22nd June 2012.

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