
Costume Stories: This Week, Burton & Taylor and Scandal | http://clothesonfilm.net – Part 32905

What’s happening in movie costume this week.

Burton and Taylor

‘She had such a presence; apparently you always knew she was in the room’, costume designer Susannah Buxton on Elizabeth Taylor.

X-Men: First Class

Part 1: womenswear. More costume brilliance from Gavia Baker.


Penny Dreadful Vintage looks at three cinematic incarnations of Cleopatra: Theda Bara, Claudette Colbert and Vivien Leigh – with Elizabeth’s Taylor still to come.


Emma Fraser analyses colour (or lack of it) on the character of Olivia Pope.

Ballet Russes

Stunning article by Tyranny of Style delving deep into the influential Paris dance company. Just check out those Prince Igor (1909) costumes! Wow.

Shawna Trpcic

Salon interview the great Shawna Trpcic about costuming Joss Whedon’s world. Had to chuckle at their question about ‘costuming clues’ in The Cabin in the Woods. Would a link back to THIS ARTICLE have killed you guys?

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