
2001 and Hardy Amies: When Fashion and Film Collide | http://clothesonfilm.net – Part 28856

This quite brilliant video is available exclusively on the Hardy Amies website. It discusses the famous designer’s (he was once Royal outfitter to Queen Elizabeth II) involvement creating costumes for Stanley Kubrick’s masterpiece 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968).


We could go into details, though frankly you would be better off just watching the video for yourself. It is around 16 minutes long and worth every second. Look out for some very interesting titbits concerning the famous Pan-Am ‘grip shoes’, where Amies gathered inspiration and how scary but talented milliner Freddie Fox (also The Queen’s outfitter) created those wonderful egg-shaped helmets.

Incidentally, an exhibition of Hardy Amies’ work for 2001: A Space Odyssey is on display from now until 20th June at Los Angeles County Museum of Art featuring sketches and actual costumes from the film. Amazing.

You can watch 2001: A Space Odyssey at LOVEFiLM.com.

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