Sta-Prest | Clothes on Film
Shocking, but not really considering all the legal wrangling going on recently, Bond 23 has been shelved “indefinitely”.
editor | Clothes on Film
Note from the Editor: You may have noticed that Clothes on Film has not been updated as frequently recently. We’ve had some excellent analysis and a few strong interviews, but in general content has been considerably lighter than usual. Well there is a reason for this… I have recently signed my first publishing deal to produce a book about, unsurprisingly, clothes in film. Specifically this will be a book about fashion in film. Apologies if this reads a tad vague; I promise more details will follow in the coming months. I will say now, however, that it is not just another tome describing pretty dresses or sharp suits in movies,…
Bond 23 | Clothes on Film
Shocking, but not really considering all the legal wrangling going on recently, Bond 23 has been shelved “indefinitely”.
Robert Downey | Clothes on Film
It is impossible not to have fun watching Avengers Assemble. Lord Christopher Laverty 3 Comments 20 Aug ’10 11 Jun ’10 12 Jun ’13
The Living Daylights | Clothes on Film
Shocking, but not really considering all the legal wrangling going on recently, Bond 23 has been shelved “indefinitely”.
Back to the Future Part Part II | Clothes on Film
They have finally done it. Nike has recreated the famous Nike MAG trainers worn by Michael J. Fox in Back to the Future Part II. Lord Christopher Laverty Comments Off on Back to the Future Nikes go on Sale: You Can’t Afford Them 1 Jan ’20 4 Nov ’09 27 Aug ’10
Mr Porter | Clothes on Film
A few of the week’s costume titbits. The Butler Costume designer Ruth Carter explains her work on The Butler. Honest, with lots of detail – absolutely worth a read. …and Oprah’s ‘fashion evolution’ in the film. T-shirts “Kiss me I’m Polish”. Cool Supercuts video: a history of t-shirts in movies. As enjoyable as it sounds, i.e. very. Evil Dead Presenting the Evil Dead bikini. It’s hell on your crotch. Kristen M. Burke Wonder what costume design veteran and all round hero Kristin Burke has been up to recently? She’s been making cock socks, that’s what – cock socks designed to under loincloths worn by Mohawk Indians. No rude business, thank……
Jimmy Smitts | Clothes on Film
Part two of our essay looking at sartorial identity in Sons of Anarchy, featuring exclusive insight from series costume designer Kelli Jones. Catch up with part 1 HERE. The women of SAMCRO include porn stars and pole dancers, but the club matriarch is Gemma played by Katey Sagal, formerly known as Peg Bundy in Married with Children. Gemma is the Queen of this world so her look is regal rock chick, “to make her look badass without looking like a slut. This sexy mama bitch doesn’t need to TRY” costume designer Kelli Jones says. With her background in music (she has performed with the likes of Bette Midler, Gene Simmons……
Josh Wheden | Clothes on Film
It is impossible not to have fun watching Avengers Assemble. Lord Christopher Laverty 3 Comments 17 Jun ’13 20 Jan ’11 28 Jul ’17
futuristic | Clothes on Film
It is impossible not to have fun watching Avengers Assemble. Lord Christopher Laverty 3 Comments 14 Dec ’12 14 Sep ’12 17 Nov ’11