Tiffany Beers | Clothes on Film
They have finally done it. Nike has recreated the famous Nike MAG trainers worn by Michael J. Fox in Back to the Future Part II.
Todd Haynes | Clothes on Film
The displaced sex appeal of uniforms in Mildred Pierce. Lord Christopher Laverty Comments Off on Mildred Pierce: Uniform Appeal 12 Mar ’14 23 Oct ’09 14 May ’09
Marin Ireland | Clothes on Film
The displaced sex appeal of uniforms in Mildred Pierce. Lord Christopher Laverty Comments Off on Mildred Pierce: Uniform Appeal 14 May ’09 21 Sep ’12 27 Sep ’12
tie pin | Clothes on Film
The glossy costume world of gangster squad is faithful to history, but not a slave to it. Public Enemies demonstrates how costume can actually drive a story narrative.
Two For the Road: Audrey Hepburn's outfits – Part Two | Clothes on Film – Part 2076
A final favourite selection of Audrey Hepburn outfits from Two for the Road (1967). Again if you have not seen the film, give it go. Even if you don’t like the look of the clothes, it is like no Audrey film you have ever come across, guaranteed. Swirly Print Dress Multi-coloured psychedelic print mini-dress with bateau neck and flared sleeves. Pink high heel shoes. This is Riviera chic for a point in the film where Audrey’s character is as rich and discontent as she is ever going to be. The swirly geometric print is similar to Emilio Pucci’s signature creations from the mid-sixties onwards. His dresses were, and still are,…
Tony Beckley | Clothes on Film
This is part 2 (part 1 HERE) of an expanded article Clothes on Film editor Christopher Laverty wrote for men’s style resource MR PORTER analysing Michael Caine’s suits in The Italian Job. This post covers all the costumes he wore during the film. We rejoin Charlie and his ragtag crew at the big meeting when the gang are all introduced to each other. It had to be a Doug Hayward moment and thankfully does not disappoint. In actual fact it is probably Michael Caine’s best fitting suit in the whole movie: Dark blue worsted wool suit; double breasted jacket, wide peaked lapels, 6 on 2 fastening, slanted hip pockets, ticket……
Hayward | Clothes on Film
This is part 2 (part 1 HERE) of an expanded article Clothes on Film editor Christopher Laverty wrote for men’s style resource MR PORTER analysing Michael Caine’s suits in The Italian Job. This post covers all the costumes he wore during the film. We rejoin Charlie and his ragtag crew at the big meeting when the gang are all introduced to each other. It had to be a Doug Hayward moment and thankfully does not disappoint. In actual fact it is probably Michael Caine’s best fitting suit in the whole movie: Dark blue worsted wool suit; double breasted jacket, wide peaked lapels, 6 on 2 fastening, slanted hip pockets, ticket……
Film Reel Fashion | Clothes on Film
“Fashion victim” or “ensemble-y challenged”. Examining the legacy of Mona May’s costume design for Clueless. Contributor 6 Comments 17 Jun ’13 11 Oct ’11 2 Apr ’12
gypsy | Clothes on Film
Second and final part of Clothes on Film’s sartorial run-through of Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, with exclusive input from costume designer Jenny Beavan. First of Clothes on Film’s two part sartorial run-through of Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, with exclusive input from costume designer Jenny Beavan.
Fred Seagul | Clothes on Film
“Fashion victim” or “ensemble-y challenged”. Examining the legacy of Mona May’s costume design for Clueless. Contributor 6 Comments 11 Oct ’11 9 Dec ’14 6 Dec ’14