
Film Reviews | Clothes on Film – Part 3

Clothes and identity related film reviews

  • Old fashioned and sentimental, Water for Elephants still has much to offer with its very readable costume design.

  • An uncomfortable watch, Rabbit Hole is nonetheless essential viewing.

  • A ferocious work from a filmmaker at the height of his game, Black Swan is an incredibly satisfying piece of cinema.

  • Flourishes of brilliance, but buried beneath disjointed action sequences and a story that fails to make any sense at all.

  • The bleakest Potter outing yet.

  • Despite having watched Catfish at the Leeds International Film Festival, you will find no review of it here.

  • Though George Clooney is excellent, The American fails to hit the emotional notes expected.

  • Gripping and meticulously structured. Held together by yet another screen bursting performance from Kathy Bates.

  • Tarantino, without the extraneous dialogue.

  • Once you cotton onto the fact you’re watching ‘Carry on Bourne’, you might even enjoy it.

  • The best film Pixar have ever made.

  • Roll with the journey and trust that it will take you where you want to go.