
Rear Window: Miss Lonelyheart's Green Dress | Clothes on Film – Part 2744

Of course Rear Window (1954) wasn’t all about Grace Kelly…

Just a quick mention then for Miss Lonelyheart played with such empathy by Judith Evelyn, and her dashing green dress. This outfit might look passé compared to the haute couture of Grace Kelly’s Lisa, yet it is probably what her character was wearing eighteen months earlier:

Emerald green evening dress with large wing collar and a full skirt that ends just below the knee.

As with Grace Kelly’s wardrobe Judith Evelyn’s dress was designed by Edith Head, director Alfred Hitchcock’s favourite costume designer. Not 100% certain of the dress’ fabric – possibly silk taffeta, or even rayon taffeta being as it supposed to look ready to wear.

The accessories too are simple and evening elegant:

Twisted roll evening hat in black velvet. Black high heeled shoes with almond toes.

Though really just an older, sadder version of Lisa, as their very similar leaden bracelets draw attention to (see HERE), Miss Lonelyheart tries so hard in her pursuit of romance it is impossible not to warm to her. She scrubs up well too…when she puts the bottle down.

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