
Jeans | Clothes on Film – Part 2

  • Who might win for costume design at the Orange BAFTA Film Awards?

  • Crazy, Stupid Love is every inch the ‘fashion film’, both in terms of narrative and costume designer Dayna Pink’s elegant menswear styling.


  • Rooney Mara’s Lisbeth will be a style icon.

  • For a guy who prefers the synthetic appeal of satin and alloy, physical contact is a violent business.

  • Beautiful and affecting, even if it does collapse under the weight of its own earnestness at times.

  • Jackson Pollock spawned a thousand imitators in the art world when he chose to work in denim jeans.

  • La Femme Nikita re-defines the little black dress on film.

  • Denim legitimises Warren Beatty’s character as a man capable of more than posing.


  • Though George Clooney is excellent, The American fails to hit the emotional notes expected.

  • Costume designer Carloine Harris has recreates the vibrant look of the 1970s.


  • Denim re-invented Audrey Hepburn from stylish and chic to cheeky and tomboyish.

  • Did you know that Calvin Klein has re-released the white dress that Alicia Silverstone made famous in Clueless? Yes, you probably did.