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    David Morrissey | Clothes on Film

    Two-part BBC drama The 7.39 could have been your average ‘man meets woman and has an affair’ tale. However, the overall verdict has been one of admiration at not only the amazing acting from its star players but also the script, which took the audience on an emotional rollercoaster throughout its glorious two hours. But again, often overlooked is the costume, in this case contemporary. The story of the female lead, Sally Thorn, played by Sheridan Smith with a wonderful naturalness, is particularly clearly told through what she wears (costume design by Lucinda Wright). Carl Matthews (believably played by David Morrissey) is stuck in a rut. Tired of his job,…

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    Patricia Norris | Clothes on Film

    We may have to eat our words, but as it stands 12 Years a Slave is unlikely to win the Best Costume Design Oscar. It does tick some of the necessary boxes: it’s period (mid 19th century), features both crinolines and cravats, and is part of the popular ballot. Yet being as the protagonist spends most of his time in just an increasingly distressed tunic shirt, the Academy may just feel costume designer Patricia Norris has really not worked hard enough. Flippancy toward the Academy aside, 12 Years a Slave remains a wonderfully rich costume experience. Every fibre leaps off the screen with detail and feeling. The cool weave of……

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    John C. Reilly | Clothes on Film

    Catherine George’s costume design demonstrates how we read physicality on-screen. Lord Christopher Laverty 2 Comments 14 Jun ’10 23 Feb ’10 15 Mar ’13 Mark Bridges exclusively explains his costume choices for retro epic Boogie Nights. Lord Christopher Laverty 4 Comments 1 Jun ’10 26 Jun ’10 7 Jul ’11

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    frock | Clothes on Film

    Costume wise, This is Jinsy is deliberately bizarre and mismatched. Yet everything makes sense in context. Watching Jane Eyre on location makes for an enriching experience. Margaret Schroeder is introduced as a world away from the ‘flapper’ set that would come to define the twenties.