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    Tom Holland | Clothes on Film

    The latest MCU smash-hit, Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019), features one of the strangest villains in the wallcrawler’s rogues’ gallery. When it comes to movies based on comic books, the outfit a character like Mysterio wears is not supposed to work on-screen. On the printed pages of comics, the outfits can be impractical and outlandish, and nothing is more of those things than the villain’s fishbowl helmet, lavender cape fastened with giant eyes, and green, scaly tights. Still, costume designer for the film, Anna B. Sheppard, met the challenge of making a fantastic look for Jake Gyllenhaal’s villain. Instead of running away from the crazy roots of the character, she……

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    feminism | Clothes on Film

    Part two of a new Dual Analysis. Costume designer Kristin Burke from FrockTalk gives her thoughts on Rosemary’s Baby. Lord Christopher Laverty Comments Off on Dual Analysis: Rosemary’s Baby – KB’s Thoughts 8 Jun ’09 24 Jan ’20 1 Feb ’10

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    Han Solo | Clothes on Film

    There is little point in Clothes on Film delving too deeply into the first trailer for director J.J. Abrams’ Star Wars sequel The Force Awakens, mainly because it is just so much speculation at the moment, which of course is part of the fun, but also because there are far smarter (or more interested) minds on the Internet who will do a better job. That said how can you watch that trailer and not have an opinion? So here are ours, and with no contribution whatsoever from Star Wars VII costume designer Michael Kaplan. If he told us anything at this stage he would be thrown in the Sarlacc pit……

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    Emma Fryer | Clothes on Film

    MILD SPOILERS Director Ben Wheatley’s latest, Free Fire, is set in Boston, 1978, but was actually shot in Brighton in 2015. Being as the plot revolves around ten characters involved in a one hour plus shoot-out inside a disused factory, from a sartorial point of view things get rather grubby. The film’s BAFTA nominated costume designer Emma Fryer has already worked with Wheatley on The ABCs of Death (2012) and A Field in England (2013) so is used to the way his stories tend to go bananas in the final reel. Free Fire unfolds practically in real time, which amps up the tension but allows for no mistake with costume.……

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    Aude-Bronson Howard | Clothes on Film

    The scruffy gumshoe style of Mickey Rourke in Angel Heart (1987). With very special trousers. Jacqueline Oknaian has costumed Ugly Betty (2008-10), Sex and the City 2 (2010) and The Big C (2012-13), so it might be fair to say contemporary clothing is her forte. For The Intern she dressed Anne Hathaway and Robert De Niro in that most tricky of cinematic costume: ‘office attire’. Fashion and practicality collide in what needs to be stylish but relatable clothing inside a believable setting. Here Ms Oknaian chats exclusively about her work on the film. Anne Hathaway has the perfect office wardrobe, where did you get your inspiration for her smart, but…

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    Cameron Diaz | Clothes on Film

    The Counsellor trailer hits with high-shine sartorial gloss. Once you cotton onto the fact you’re watching ‘Carry on Bourne’, you might even enjoy it. Warner Bros’ official website for The Box has gone live. This is creepy 1970s. Creepy as hell.