
satin | Clothes on Film

  • When Arnold Scaasi opened his couture salon in 1964, he soon became a couturier to the stars. He was already a favoured designer for Barbra Streisand when he famously dressed her for the 1969 Oscars. Streisand was up for Best Actress for her movie debut in Funny Girl and was established as something of an ‘individual’; usually described as ‘kooky’, she was completely different from anyone else, an innovator of style, and challenging and changing the ideas of beauty. So it is no surprise that when it came to her clothing choice for the Oscars, Streisand resisted the usual protocol of an evening gown and instead opted for a most…


  • Costume design and meaning in short film.


  • Doris Day’s last hurrah for 1950s fashion wearing some of the most exquisite costumes ever seen on screen.

  • Gena Rowlands’ costumes as Gloria evocate character through a fashionable capsule wardrobe.

  • For a guy who prefers the synthetic appeal of satin and alloy, physical contact is a violent business.


  • The arrival of Scarface on Blu-ray grants ideal opportunity to indulge in Patricia Norris’ exemplary, disco couture costumes.

  • “It is really a film *about* gloves”


  • Old fashioned and sentimental, Water for Elephants still has much to offer with its very readable costume design.

  • Some images and the latest trailer from Water for Elephants. Period costume design by Jacqueline West.

  • The most memorable musical number ever captured on film, and Ginger Rogers’ dress contributes to this greatly.

  • Final part of our analysis of Sherlock Holmes complete with insight from costume designer Jenny Beavan.

  • With insight from costume designer Jenny Beavan, we commence our sartorial analysis of Sherlock Holmes.
