Doctor Who | Clothes on Film
Doctor Who, the quirky British sci-fi television series about a time travelling alien and his friends, premiered in 1963. Since then there have been twelve Doctors (and a War Doctor), each with their own unique looks to match their unique and often eccentric personalities. With the debut of the Twelfth Doctor fast approaching, this post takes a look back at the three Doctors we’ve seen so far (not including the War Doctor) on Doctor Who since it was rebooted in 2005 (or New Who, as some like to call it) and guesses at what we can expect from Doctor number twelve. The Ninth Doctor (Christopher Eccleston) arrived on our screens…
This week you may have missed… Ingenious Costume Design Good list from Rebecca Clough at Den of Geek of ingenious movie costume design. And while we’re about it, congratulations to another of their regular writers, Ryan Lambie, for his FDA Richard Attenborough Blogger of the Year Award. Inside Llewyn Davis Kristin M. Burke has a chat with the Coen brothers’ regular costume designer Mary Zophres. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1 Trish Summerville out, Kurt & Bart in for the third Hunger Games movie. Odd after Summerville being such a successful choice, but we get the feeling this is most intentional. Cash hungry producers have realised Katniss’ costume designers are…
Catch up with the week in costume design.
The latest trailer for Man of Steel makes for one very dark Superman costume.
Ray Holman chats exclusively about dressing Matt Smith as the new Doctor.