
scarf | Clothes on Film

  • If you have played The Last of Us on Playstation 3 it has likely ruined video gaming for you. The world created is so vivid and believable that every game afterward just feels dated and empty. Throughout, The Last of Us is unwaveringly real, full of seemingly inconsequential details such as every weapon or object you carry being attached or able to fit into your character’s backpack. Contrast this with Grand Theft Auto V where a rocket launcher appears out of your trouser pocket and it’s clear that if game developers really want to create a living, breathing parallel to reality they need to treat it as reality – no…


  • There is not man behind the mask; the mask is The Lone Ranger.

  • Edith Head’s costume design for Vertigo demonstrates the power of clothes in forming identities on-screen.

  • Warner Bros. have released two images from The Great Gatsby. Not much to see, but it is difficult not to be drawn in by the promise of costume luxury.

  • Win a Scarface limited edition Blu-ray DVD, scarf and money clip. Three sets to give away. Look as tasteless as Tony!

  • First look at Jenny Beavan’s late Victorian-with-a-twist costumes in action.

  • Beautiful and affecting, even if it does collapse under the weight of its own earnestness at times.

  • As worn by Grace Kelly, this floaty, conspicuous dress is an appreciable nod to Dior’s ‘New Look’ of the late 1940s.
