
fitted | Clothes on Film

  • The first trailer for Skyfall hits with several suits, an overcoat, sportswear and a beanie.


  • Edith Head’s costume design for Vertigo demonstrates the power of clothes in forming identities on-screen.

  • The glamorous look of the mid-1930s threads its way through dual love stories in W.E.

  • Crazy, Stupid Love is every inch the ‘fashion film’, both in terms of narrative and costume designer Dayna Pink’s elegant menswear styling.

  • Looking so sexy that the finished film can be nothing but a huge disappointment, this teaser for Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy ticks all the right 70’s boxes.

  • The blue towelling playsuit in Goldfinger is typically remembered as Bond’s one sartorial disaster. Yet it might be worthy of reconsideration.