
Ralph Lauren | Clothes on Film

  • MILD SPOILERS Director Ben Wheatley’s latest, Free Fire, is set in Boston, 1978, but was actually shot in Brighton in 2015. Being as the plot revolves around ten characters involved in a one hour plus shoot-out inside a disused factory, from a sartorial point of view things get rather grubby. The film’s BAFTA nominated costume designer Emma Fryer has already worked with Wheatley on The ABCs of Death (2012) and A Field in England (2013) so is used to the way his stories tend to go bananas in the final reel. Free Fire unfolds practically in real time, which amps up the tension but allows for no mistake with costume.…

  • There is a problem with the costumes in The Wolf of Wall Street, and it has nothing to do with the film itself but the coverage they have received. Namely, that this coverage is incorrect. Articles such as this one for Vogue France, or this for The Hollywood Reporter, or a ‘suit guide’ by Esquire, concentrate almost solely on Giorgio Armani’s contribution to the project with barely a mention of costume designer Sandy Powell. And this is the Sandy Powell by the way: 10 Oscar nominations and so well respected she has an OBE for services to the industry. It was Powell who costumed The Wolf of Wall Street, not…

  • The Wolf of Wall Street trailer brings wide pinstripe suits and revolting ties.

  • The press love Prada’s involvement with The Great Gatsby, but exactly how much does this help the film’s costume design?

  • A real legend of the industry, costume designer Theoni V. Aldredge, has died.

  • Little Junior Brown represents the ugly face of nineties designer villainy.

  • Viggo’s mob infiltrator is surely the best dressed Russki knuckle duster in all of London?