
Captain America: Costume Leaks All Over the Place | Clothes on Film

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It’s those Captain America costume pics! Later than everyone else!

The images in question are computer generated concept art so hardly set in stone, though being as they strongly resemble JoBlo’s firsthand description of the CA costume last week (read it HERE) it is likely Chris Evans will be wearing something very similar in the movie titled Captain America: The First Avenger.

His suit is apparently made from a leather type material. It certainly retrains retro touches of the traditional Captain America look, e.g. colouring, skullcap headgear and utility belt. Although how many of these touches will actually make their way into the finished article is anyone’s guess. These so-called ‘leaked images’ could well be Marvel Studios testing, so be sure to vent your opinions all over the web as they will probably be listening/reading.

Costumes for Captain America: The First Avenger, as directed by Joe Johnston, are designed by industry heavyweights Jeffrey Kurland (Inception) and Anna B. Sheppard (Inglourious Basterds). And remember this means more than just the hero outfit, which probably had a lot of external, i.e. ‘studio’ input anyway. Being as the film starts during World War 2, it will be interesting to see the overall approach they adopt. Incidentally these shots are for the second Captain America ensemble; Johnston has confirmed there will be another ‘flashier’ version at the start of the story.

Captain America: The First Avenger is due for release on July 22, 2011 (that’s right, it already has a locked in date).

Source: Ain’t It Cool & Empire

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