
Jean Paul Gaultier | Clothes on Film

  • That’ll do, costume. That’ll do. Captain America: The Winter Soldier Hello Tailor is stealing away your life with her rundowns of this mildly popular comic book movie. Not all are costume based, though all are worth reading. Here is PART 1. PART 2 PART 3 PART 4! Keeping it Cap America, Tyranny of Style has an interview with the film’s costume designer – and original Hunger Games changer – Judianna Makovsky HERE. Mad Men Janie Bryant launches ‘Janie Bryant Couture’. So basically that’s techy tights designed by one of the world’s best known costume designers. Game of Thrones The desi influence. A bit of a stretch, but still an intriguing…

  • American Psycho (2000, costume designer Isis Mussenden) is a late 1980s set film that highlights the importance placed on external appearance and the disparity that can lie between this and the true nature of a person. The ‘Psycho’ of the title, Patrick Bateman (played by Christian Bale) is outwardly flawless. He has an extreme and involved personal beauty regime, consisting of special shampoos, body washes, face masks and scrubs, complemented by a strict diet and exercise plan that he completes daily and without fail. He believes in looking after himself – or at least his external self. Beneath this perfectly glossy exterior is emptiness – a lack of humanity, of…

  • Oi! Costume! The Fifth Element Jean Paul Gaultier’s original costume for when Prince was cast as outrageous Ruby Rhod. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire A few more words with Trish Summerville about one of the most anticipated costume films of the year. Downton Abbey Caroline McCall discusses challenges of working on the show. Noticed all the purples and blacks worn by Lady Mary this season? That’s because she is still in mourning. Catching Fire Jennifer Lawrence wanted to wear “everything” apparently. Understandable from what we’ve seen of the costumes so far. Video: Ms Summerville explaining even more about those Katniss and co costumes. Exciting, exciting… Costume Cafe Podcast Lauren Delany…

  • Second and final part of our retrospective of The Grifters with insight from Mark Bridges.

  • First in our two part retrospective of neo-noir classic The Grifters with exclusive insight from the film’s assistant costume designer Mark Bridges.

  • The press love Prada’s involvement with The Great Gatsby, but exactly how much does this help the film’s costume design?

  • Two trends in women’s fashion for 2011 are prints and turbans, empathised in the film Coming to America.

  • The proposed ethos behind Tron Legacy merchandising is more than just product; it’s a lifestyle choice.

  • Part 2 of our examination into how the Alien films have used costume design to contextualise primal terror.


  • Harold Ramis chats candidly about Ghostbusters 3. This provides perfect opportunity for a look at the guys’ iconic work uniform – the jumpsuit.