
denim jacket | Clothes on Film

  • BAMF A well written and comprehensive site with a growing list of gents film/TV costume posts in the ‘get the look’ format. Like this a lot. Costume design, JK Rowling’s new Harry Potter movie, and the wizarding fashions of 1920s New York Hello Tailor gets lost in the world of world of Hogwarts costume. And in Part 2… She sets her sights on the flapper effect. Fashion Have no doubt; costume designers have a big impact on fashion. The Great Gatsby Lisa Hix for Collector’s Weekly finds more to say on The Great Gatsby. Her starting point? Boobs. Rush Gilt talk to Julian Day about his period costume work on…

  • A few of the week’s costume titbits. The Butler Costume designer Ruth Carter explains her work on The Butler. Honest, with lots of detail – absolutely worth a read. …and Oprah’s ‘fashion evolution’ in the film. T-shirts “Kiss me I’m Polish”. Cool Supercuts video: a history of t-shirts in movies. As enjoyable as it sounds, i.e. very. Evil Dead Presenting the Evil Dead bikini. It’s hell on your crotch. Kristen M. Burke Wonder what costume design veteran and all round hero Kristin Burke has been up to recently? She’s been making cock socks, that’s what – cock socks designed to under loincloths worn by Mohawk Indians. No rude business, thank…

  • Here’s a link to a video Clothes on Film editor Chris Laverty shot for men’s style journal Mr Porter as part of their Ask the Experts section. The topic is denim jackets in movies, from Hud (1963) to Back to the Future (1985) to Drive (2011), with a potted history of the garment thrown in for good measure. It is about three minutes long and definitely worth a watch, even if we do say so ourselves.


  • Denim legitimises Warren Beatty’s character as a man capable of more than posing.