
video game | Clothes on Film

  • The top half of Ben Affleck’s new Batsuit has been revealed, as created by costume designer Michael Wilkinson for the barely in production Batman vs. Superman. At first this black and white Bats looks kind of pettable, thanks to those smaller, kittenish bat ears. However getting in closer the suit is far more visceral than Lindy Hemming’s version for director Christopher Nolan. It actually resembles a (very buff) human body stripped of its skin. Nolan is where most comparisons will be drawn; his Batman is still the benchmark in cinema, and while director Zach Snyder is less obsessed with plausibility the new suit is obviously intended to be functional as…


  • If you have played The Last of Us on Playstation 3 it has likely ruined video gaming for you. The world created is so vivid and believable that every game afterward just feels dated and empty. Throughout, The Last of Us is unwaveringly real, full of seemingly inconsequential details such as every weapon or object you carry being attached or able to fit into your character’s backpack. Contrast this with Grand Theft Auto V where a rocket launcher appears out of your trouser pocket and it’s clear that if game developers really want to create a living, breathing parallel to reality they need to treat it as reality – no…

  • Costume on the brain? This won’t help. Michael Wilkinson Technology in costume design – BRILLIANT Costume Cafe podcast by Colleen Monroe. Sleepy Hallow Pilot costume designer Sanja Hays explains why Ichabod won’t be dressing in Gap tees anytime soon. Grand Theft Auto V Always indespesnible and relevant Tyranny of Style interviews GTA V costume designer Lyn Paolo, who also worked on TV shows Southland, E.R. and The West Wing. American Hustle Michael Wilkinson honoured for his work on a film we are jumping up and down with excitement for. Scandal More Lyn Paolo talking about Kerry Washington and co in Scandal. Halloween …and EVEN MORE Lyn Paolo, here with fellow…

  • Tarantino, without the extraneous dialogue.

  • Penny Rose creates incredible costume that feels so much like it belongs; ironically we barely even notice it’s there.