
underwear | Clothes on Film

  • Man of Steel costume designer reveals fascinating insight about the film.

  • Superman’s new costume is underwear with a cape.


  • Michael Kaplan gives Clothes on Film the lowdown on his Star Trek Into Darkness costumes.

  • Spoiler warning: The costume clues and details of Star Trek Into Darkness.

  • Costume in The Cabin in the Woods is not grand, but it is very clever. All the teenage characters subtly evolve from one horror stereotype to another.


  • French costume designer Anaïs Romand discusses her work on House of Tolerance (L’Apollonide: Souvenirs de la maison close).

  • The subtle differentiation of character through costume design in Moon.


  • American Gigolo is not about its protagonist, it is about what he wears. American Gigolo is about Armani.

  • Anuvahood showcases urban wear swagger. If you want to belong, you must fit in.