
Exclusive Boardwalk Empire Costume Design Clip | Clothes on Film

Okay, so this really is just a brief clip, but totally worth watching. The main draw is Boardwalk Empire’s main stars commenting on their costumes (“You don’t need to tell me how to rock a suit!” – Michael Kenneth Williams) along with a couple of great close-ups of the sewing team. Executive producer Martin Scorsese also provides background, plus valuable insight from the show’s amazing costume design duo, John Dunn and Lisa Padovani.

Clothes on Film has plenty more posts about Boardwalk Empire (primarily Season 1 as we haven’t caught up with 2 yet). Try HERE and scroll down. Also, watch us talking about the show in a video for ‘HBO Sessions’.

Boardwalk Empire is released on DVD and Blu-ray on 9th January.

Watch Boardwalk Empire at LOVEFiLM and join their Twitter account to keep abreast of new releases.

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