
First Look at Captain America: The Winter Soldier Costume | Clothes on Film

From what is a hopefully legit rendering published by ComicBookMovie, we have our first clear look at Chris Evans’ new costume for Captain America: The Winter Soldier.

Big changes are afoot for Steve Rogers, aka the Captain. First we had costume designer Anna B. Sheppard’s well received paratrooper style uniform for The First Avenger (2011). Then we had Alexandra Byrne’s slightly less well received, vivid red and blue streamlined version for Avengers Assemble (2012). And now we have this, Judianna Makovsky’s own interpretation for The Winter Solider:

The Winter soldier costume by Judianna Makovsky.

This new suit has more in common with The First Avenger than Avengers Assemble. Gone are the red gloves, red boots, exposed zips and tight Spandex-like fabric, now replaced by a more armour-like substance, silver wing detailing across the chest and shoulders, black panelling to the arms, legs and midriff, and absolutely no red whatsoever. Nothing ostentatious about this costume; it is rugged, subdued and about as close to as realistic as a Captain America uniform could ever get. The helmet, apart from minor alterations to size and fit remains practically unchanged.

Avengers Assemble costume by Alexandra Byrne.

The First Avenger costume by Anna B. Sheppard.

For this sequel Captain America teams up with superspy Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) to battle a new enemy in Washington D.C. Obviously based on the events of The First Avenger and Avengers Assemble the movie is set in the present day, although Rogers’ lost love Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) is strongly rumoured to make an appearance. Presumably this is in flashback, so Atwell will be costumed in the 1940s garb that suits her so well.

Captain America: The Winter Soldier is released on 4th April 2014.

You can watch Chris Evans in The First Avenger at LOVEFiLM.com.

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