
Costume Stories, This Week: Game of Thrones and FIDM | Clothes on Film

A quiet week for costume.

Game of Thrones

New costume and props exhibition to travel around the world. No dribbling over the embroidery, but you can sit on the Iron Throne.

…and check out Daenerys’ ‘hot new dress’ in this video featurette at The Mary Sue.

Avengers: Age of Ultron

Another day, another superhero story. Possibly a few early clues about freshly cast Paul Pettany’s costume.

Silent Witness

We’ve just stumbled across this article, probably from the early 2000s, that neatly demonstrates what costume designers have to put up with when stars of popular drama series’ overindulge.

The 22nd Annual Art of Motion Picture Costume Design Exhibition

Actual costumes from 2013 movies available to view from 11th February to 26th April at the FIDM museum in Los Angeles.

Catherine Martin

The Great Gatsby costume designer gets a bronze square on Rodeo Drive, alongside Giorgio Armani, Manolo Blahnik, Donatella Versace, and other mega famous fashion names.

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