
Giorgio Armani | Clothes on Film

  • A quiet week for costume. Game of Thrones New costume and props exhibition to travel around the world. No dribbling over the embroidery, but you can sit on the Iron Throne. …and check out Daenerys’ ‘hot new dress’ in this video featurette at The Mary Sue. Avengers: Age of Ultron Another day, another superhero story. Possibly a few early clues about freshly cast Paul Pettany’s costume. Silent Witness We’ve just stumbled across this article, probably from the early 2000s, that neatly demonstrates what costume designers have to put up with when stars of popular drama series’ overindulge. The 22nd Annual Art of Motion Picture Costume Design Exhibition Actual costumes from…

  • Happy New Ye- oh we’ve done that already. Carry on. ‘How Hollywood is ruining a Billion Dollar Industry’ Amber Jane Butchart found this amazing article from 1938 and it is essential, and occasionally shocking, reading. Inside Llewyn Davis Video: Legendary costume designer Mary Zophres shares a few words about ‘uptown and downtown’ style. Ane Crabtree Contributor Kristin Koga talks to the costume designer about her career so far and their shared ethnicity. Cannot recommend this interview enough. Giorgio Armani GA chats to ES about his famous movie suits. Funnily enough he neglects to mention that Marilyn Vance-Straker had to re-tailor all his costumes for The Untouchables because they didn’t fit…

  • The last TWO weeks in costume. Sorry, we were a bit busy. Paul Walker Costume designer Kristin M. Burke worked with Paul Walker on Running Scared. Here she shares a few personal memories of the man and the professional. Hollywood Costume The New York Times reviews the book we wrote a chapter for. Perfect for Christmas, or anyone inconsiderate enough to have a birthday around this time of year. Deborah Nadoolman Landis DNL presents a new show on TCM looking at memorable costume design. Twenty films covered in total every Friday night at 8 pm through December. American telly only though. Boo-erns. American Hustle So excited about this movie we…

  • Costume designer Ann Roth’s template for Working Girl (1988, directed by Mike Nichols) is especially astute with regards to the social and geographical make up of its characters. Protagonist Tess McGill (Melanie Griffith) is a homely girl raised and living in Staten Island, New York. Currently working as a secretary in Manhattan (not ‘executive assistant’, reflecting vernacular of the time), as is her best friend Cynthia (Joan Cusack). Tess, however, has gained a degree through night school and harbours ambitions to use it for more constructive tasks than answering the telephone and fetching toilet paper for bawdy stockbrokers. After being set up for a ‘date’ that turned out to be…

  • Costume’s read all about it this week. Eyes of Laura Mars Guise analyses the influential costume classic. Just don’t call it ‘fashion’. The O.C. Tyranny of Style’s fantastic, mammoth look back the costumes of The O.C. Remember Seth’s reindeer Christmas jumper? I Love Lucy Lucille Ball’s polka dot dress sold at auction for $168,000, along with Hugh Jackman’s X-Men costume ($22,000) and Tom Cruise’s Rain Man suit ($30,000). Elysium Giorgio Armani talks about his contribution to Elysium, which we’re guessing was at star Jodie Foster’s insistence not costume designer April Ferry. Lovelace Karyn Wagner explains how she created Amanda Seyfried’s rudey look as Linda Boreman aka Lovelace.

  • Second and final part of our retrospective of The Grifters with insight from Mark Bridges.


  • First in our two part retrospective of neo-noir classic The Grifters with exclusive insight from the film’s assistant costume designer Mark Bridges.


  • The press love Prada’s involvement with The Great Gatsby, but exactly how much does this help the film’s costume design?

  • American Gigolo is not about its protagonist, it is about what he wears. American Gigolo is about Armani.

  • The arrival of Scarface on Blu-ray grants ideal opportunity to indulge in Patricia Norris’ exemplary, disco couture costumes.

  • Lucie Bates exclusively discusses her work on Hanna, inducing parodies, subtext and working with Giorgio Armani.

  • Unquestionably the most historically significant outfit Katie Holmes as Jackie Kennedy wears in the show is her rose pink tweed suit.