
Angelina Jolie Set for Gucci the Movie | Clothes on Film

Angelina Jolie is apparently being courted by Ridley Scott to star in ‘Gucci’; a film charting internal power struggles to control the fashion empire. Would love to see the costume budget for this one.

During the 1970s-80’s the Gucci brand nearly collapsed amidst a bitter family feud; a feud that ended with Maurizio, grandson of founder Guccio Gucci, being assassinated outside his Milan apartment in 1995. Jolie is in talks to play Patrizia Reggiani, Maurizio’s ex-wife, currently banged-up in prison for plotting his murder.

Leonardo DiCaprio is another name thrown about as a possible sign-up. Should he ever commit, DiCaprio would likely play Maurizio. Scott worked with the Oscar nominated actor on Body of Lies in 2008. While the result was not a smash hit, it did smack of professionalism via one old pro and one getting that way. The Gucci story would certainly benefit from their partnership.

If this film ever happens for backers Fox 2000 it will be a massive commercial endeavour. Tie-in rights alone would be colossal, not to mention the benefits of marrying two forms of creative expression into one saleable package (screenings with catwalks, catwalks with screenings). Cynicism aside, costume design will surely be as stunning as the impending cast list.

Since its revitalisation by Tom Ford, Gucci has remained synonymous with the kind of classy glamour most of us only dream of attaining. Once a victim of over-branding, the company has since scaled down the bling to concentrate on a more sophisticated grown up line.

Although, the film will hopefully be revisiting their past in vivid detail; so alongside sixties chic we will have eighties tack and labels. Presumably the script will focus less on this element and more on the Maurizio murder, yet if accuracy is be maintained some red faces at Gucci central will be unavoidable. Tom Ford should be happy though; he will look like a hero.

All going well Gucci should hit cinemas some time in 2010. With Ridley Scott currently locked in post-production for Robin Hood, this will probably be more like Christmas than Easter.

Source: Variety

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