
Costume Stories: This Week, Gatsby and Capitol Couture | Clothes on Film

We cannot cover every costume related story here at Clothes on Film, or even most until we get an army of writers and a faster internet connection. So just in case we have missed anything important here is a head count of costume design articles from around the web this week. Mad Men is tapering off slightly, but there is more and more Great Gatsby out there every day.

The Great Gatsby (1974)

Costume designer May Routh (The Man Who Fell to Earth, being There) remembers when the 1974 version of The Great Gatsby was released, “For one scene the director decided the extras would all jump in a fountain but they were all wearing original pieces from the Twenties. The clothes were ruined and the loss led, inevitably, to an expensive lawsuit.”

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory the musical looks quite a lot like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory the movie.

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire

Effie Trinket’s new Capitol couture is by Alexander McQueen not costume designer Trish Summerville.

The Incredible Burt Wonderstone

Costume designer Kristin M. Burke sits down for breakfast with costume designer Dayna Pink. Insightful interview.

Brooks Brothers does The Great Gatsby

Brooks Brothers’ tie-in in line for The Great Gatsby laughs in the face of historical accuracy, but it does look very pretty.

See The Great Gatsby Costumes

You can see male and female costumes from The Great Gatsby on display in Brooks Brothers’ Regent Street store until 31st May.

Only God Forgives

Kristen Scott Thomas in the new Only God Forgives trailer. Wowser!

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