
First Trailer for Tom Hardy’s Capone: Inspirational Lockdown Robe Attire | Clothes on Film

This movie has been gestating for a while, but, at last, we are finally going to see Tom Hardy’s take on a role he was bespoke cut and stitched for: Al Capone.

Capone (formally titled ‘Fonzo’) centers on the infamous Chicago crime boss’ time after he was released from prison, having served seven of his eleven year sentence for tax evasion. What makes this period in his life so interesting is that Capone was going mad with the syphilis. Plus, it seems from this first trailer, he had hidden away a lot of money that he now hopes to retrieve, with his patiently waiting enemies, former gang members and the FBI all watching closely. So, syphilis, stashed cash and some explosive flashbacks to his heyday ruling Chicago. We. Are. In.

Trailer below:

Period wise this puts us in the late 1940s, as Capone was released in 1939 and this film joins him at some point post-prison (he died in 1947). Flashbacks will be in the mid-1920s to very early 30’s when Capone was at his criminal height. It’s not exactly straightforward which incarnation of Hardy’s Capone we are looking at and when in the trailer – it’s cut fast, dark and deliberately disorientating to reflect his failing mental state (apparently the finished movie is pretty crazy, too). Of course there are striped suits, as practically every man would have owned in the 1930s. Capone’s stripes would be the widest and most audacious and the cut of his New Deal suits broad shouldered and double breasted to suggest an athletic physique. Capone was never a slim man but a thirties suit could do wonders for providing an imposing chest and smaller waist due to the jacket’s long sloping shoulders and extended length. However, as older Capone appears to spend much of his time ranting and skulking, his main trailer ensembles are actually nightwear – luxurious gowns in vivid boss gangster colours and stripes.

Costume design for Capone is by Amy Westcott (she of Black Swan) and we’ll be catching up with her next month after the film has debuted on streaming for a chat. Get ordering your viewing-ready silk dressing gown now.

Capone will be released for home entertainment services to stream on 12th May*

*presently in the United States only.

© 2020, Lord Christopher Laverty.