
subtext | Clothes on Film

  • Costume in The Cabin in the Woods is not grand, but it is very clever. All the teenage characters subtly evolve from one horror stereotype to another.


  • The Phantom of the opera demonstrates that the colour, size and shape of a character’s costumes can communicate on a subliminal level.


  • The religious and cultural significance of the costume design in foreign language Oscar winner A Separation.


  • With so many movie streaming options now available, we thought we’d draw your attention to one of the best: Curzon on Demand.


  • Lucie Bates exclusively discusses her work on Hanna, inducing parodies, subtext and working with Giorgio Armani.


  • Old fashioned and sentimental, Water for Elephants still has much to offer with its very readable costume design.

  • Editor Chris Laverty explains how to ‘read’ costume on film. From an article originally published in Moviescope magazine.