
Scott Pilgrim vs The World Trailer Arrives on Fire | Clothes on Film – Part 9465

You can watch the first trailer HERE, or this one HERE is the new post 100,000 Facebook followers sequel, which is even better and so totally bonkers it makes Kick-Ass look mainstream.

Based on the ‘Scott Pilgrim…’ series by Canadian cartoonist and writer Bryan Lee O’Malley, the premise requires hero Scott Pilgrim (Michael Cera), bass player and slacker in a band called Sex Bob-omb, to defeat the seven ‘evil exes’ of new girlfriend Ramona Flowers (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), occasionally with a flaming sword.

The style of the comic books, indeed the film by the looks of it, is pseudo video game (many of them nineties classics like Sonic the Hedgehog and Street Fighter) combined with Manga-lite character art. As an example of what to expect, when Pilgrim defeats evil ex Roxy Richter (Mae Whitman in the movie) she explodes in a mass of cute furry animals. Sonic fans will get that one straightaway.

The costumes by Laura Jean Shannon, who following Iron Man (2008) and My Super Ex-Girlfriend (2006) must be fairly familiar with the genre, retains much of the comics’ colourful, indie-kid look. Cena’s yellow and red ringer t-shirt and Ramona’s oft-changing hair colour two notable costume nods from the trailer.

If you haven’t seen Kick-Ass yet then we will forgive you for comic book fatigue. Gotta say though, this does look proper good fun.

Scott Pilgrim vs The World is due for release on 13th August.

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