
See Toy Story 3 Early! Two Pairs of Tickets to Give Away!! | Clothes on Film

If you can get yourself to London’s West End for 11.00 am on Sunday 20th June, you could be watching Disney PIXAR’s Toy Story 3 at a very early screening – one month before the film is released in the UK on 19th July. Exciting, huh? Thought so. Read on.

Just fill in the blank below to tell us the name of Ken’s safari style outfit he wears in the movie (hint: have a look around Clothes on Film, it may just help):

_ _ _ _ _ _ LOVIN’ KEN

That’s it. Send your answer to: competition [at] clotheonfilm.com (replace the ‘at’ with an ‘@’) by TUESDAY 15TH JUNE, 23.59 GMT with the title ‘Toy Story 3? Yes, Please’, along with your full name, address and telephone number. We will pick two separate winners at random and get back to you asap.

Now Read the Small Print:

Open to UK readers only Only one entry per household No travel costs are included

This is a Clothes on Film promotion and not linked with Disney/PIXAR

Full terms and conditions can be found HERE and are certainly worth a scan if you’re on your lunch hour.

© 2010 – 2018, Lord Christopher Laverty.