
Please, Sir! Vote Clothes on Film in the Total Film Blog Awards | Clothes on Film

Clothes on Film has been nominated as Best Overall Blog in the Total Film Blog Awards 2011! Please vote for us at the link below:

Being as Clothes on Film’s less than esteemed founder and editor (that’s me) is moving house this month, there will be less posts on the site than usual (sorry). That said; look out for something amazing about Black Swan director Darren Aronofsky, something grumpy about ‘hippie’ Meg Ryan in Proof of Life, and possibly something Armani about Richard Gere.

I run Clothes on Film and write most of the posts, but not without the help of some select, extremely knowledgeable and talented contributors. Without them and you readers popping by regularly to enjoy the articles, this site would be absolutely nothing. A vote for Clothes on Film as Best Overall Blog in the Total Film Awards is a vote for you too.

Actually that’s not true at all, but still vote for us anyway! Thanks!

© 2011 – 2018, Lord Christopher Laverty.