
Costume Stories: This Week, Boardwalk Empire & Rush | Clothes on Film


A well written and comprehensive site with a growing list of gents film/TV costume posts in the ‘get the look’ format. Like this a lot.

Costume design, JK Rowling’s new Harry Potter movie, and the wizarding fashions of 1920s New York

Hello Tailor gets lost in the world of world of Hogwarts costume.

And in Part 2…

She sets her sights on the flapper effect.


Have no doubt; costume designers have a big impact on fashion.

The Great Gatsby

Lisa Hix for Collector’s Weekly finds more to say on The Great Gatsby. Her starting point? Boobs.


Gilt talk to Julian Day about his period costume work on Rush. Viva la 70’s, and a lot of Gucci.

Boardwalk Empire

What to expect as season 4 enters the Roaring Twenties. We can’t read this because (deep breath) we still haven’t seen season 3 yet.

Glenn Close Costume Exhibition

This looks a bit brilliant but we’re afraid it’s more than a short plane hop away. Get yourself to the Muscarelle Museum of Art in Williamsburg, Virginia if you can possibly can though.


Jason Statham’s patriotic denim jacket courtesy of The Shiznit. Why not.

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