
About the site | Clothes on Film

The aim of this blog is to examine fashion and identity on film. With articles on specific outfits, essays, reviews, news and whatever else seems to fit, I and some contributors will create a mini-library of movie clothes for you to drop by and peruse whenever you like.

If you feel an article has overlooked an important point or is just plain wrong, please email at the address below to set me straight (nobody here is getting paid though, so don’t be rude). Furthermore if there is a specific outfit/film not yet featured that you would like to talk about yourself, get in contact and hopefully we can put something up on the site.

Clothes on Film Editor:

I’m Chris Laverty, writer with a love of fashion, vintage in particular, and cinema (read my reviews at Rotten Tomatoes among others). For fans of random I prefer snow to sun, desert boots to shoes, and my favourite drink is Japanese whisky. This is my site. Enjoy it.

Contact: chris[at]clothesonfilm.com


Kristin M. Burke

Hailing from Orange County, California, Kristin Burke is an award winning costume designer and author. She has designed costumes for many films including Sex drive (2008), Bangkok Dangerous (2008) and The Cooler (2003) and published two books, ‘Going Hollywood: How to Get Started, Keep Going and Not Turn Into a Sleaze’ and ‘Costuming for Film: The Art and the Craft’ (with Holly Cole). Check out Kristin’s website FrockTalk, the only costume based movie review site on the net. Contact: frocktalk[at]gmail.com

Sarah H

Specialising in musicals, Sarah is an avid viewer of 1930s movies with Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, ‘Grease’, anything from the 1960s and 1970s and contemporary US comedies and drama series’. From a young age she has been wearing vintage clothes, creating cool and kooky looks from purchases in second-hand stores – never afraid to be the centre of attention. When not thinking about what to wear or watching movies, she sings and dances herself on stage in various shows around the UK. Contact: Sarah[at]clothesonfilm.com


A gentle word of warning…for safety’s sake assume that all articles, reviews, essays, etc include spoilers. This is probably the sort of place to visit after you have seen the movie, not before. The reasons for spoilers are pretty obvious; to discuss the clothes in a film we need to talk about it – all of it.

Any site/technical queries please contact admin[at]clothesonfilm.com

All written content and screen caps © 2009 Clothes on Film