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    Rampage Jackson | Clothes on Film

    Posted by Chris Laverty on October 24, 2009 Pleasant surprise of the day, the first official photo for The A-Team movie has gone online – and it looks rather good. Photo credit Michael Muller Obviously there has been some updating going on, the original TV show began in 1983 don’t forget. Overall though there is nothing too jarring here, it is recognisably The A-Team, no question. But let’s analyse exactly what has changed in twenty six years… More…

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    Liam Neeson | Clothes on Film

    Posted by Chris Laverty on October 24, 2009 Pleasant surprise of the day, the first official photo for The A-Team movie has gone online – and it looks rather good. Photo credit Michael Muller Obviously there has been some updating going on, the original TV show began in 1983 don’t forget. Overall though there is nothing too jarring here, it is recognisably The A-Team, no question. But let’s analyse exactly what has changed in twenty six years… More…

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    Leonardo DiCaprio | Clothes on Film

    Posted by Chris Laverty on October 21, 2009 Angelina Jolie is apparently being courted by Ridley Scott to star in ‘Gucci’; a film charting internal power struggles to control the fashion empire. Would love to see the costume budget for this one. During the 1970s-80’s the Gucci brand nearly collapsed amidst a bitter family feud; a feud that ended with Maurizio, grandson of founder Guccio Gucci, being assassinated outside his Milan apartment in 1995. Jolie is in talks to play Patrizia Reggiani, Maurizio’s ex-wife, currently banged-up in prison for plotting his murder. More…

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    Leather Jacket | Clothes on Film

    Posted by Chris Laverty on October 24, 2009 Pleasant surprise of the day, the first official photo for The A-Team movie has gone online – and it looks rather good. Photo credit Michael Muller Obviously there has been some updating going on, the original TV show began in 1983 don’t forget. Overall though there is nothing too jarring here, it is recognisably The A-Team, no question. But let’s analyse exactly what has changed in twenty six years… More… Posted by Chris Laverty on September 11, 2009 Some on-set photos of Wall Street 2 have just made their way ONLINE. As per our previous article, Shia LaBeouf in leather – an…

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    Kumfs | Clothes on Film

    Posted by Chris Laverty on October 23, 2009 After her flimsy pink slip on Skull Island, this is the second most significant outfit Naomi Watts wears as Ann Darrow in King Kong (2005). As simple as evening wear gets (though strictly in the context of the film it is stage wear), Ann’s white gown is authentically period accurate; 1930s was the couture decade that introduced the evening dress in its now familiar form. More…

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    Jersey Skirt | Clothes on Film

    Posted by Chris Laverty on October 19, 2009 Starring: Jack Nicholson, Faye Dunaway, John Huston Directed by: Roman Polanski This bleak detective noir follows luxuriously suited P.I. or ’snoop’ (he gathers evidence on cheating spouses) J.J. ‘Jake’ Gittes (Jack Nicolson) as he investigates corrupt water rights and Evelyn Mulwray’s (Faye Dunaway) dark family secrets in 1930s Los Angeles. More…

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    Jack Nicholson | Clothes on Film

    Posted by Chris Laverty on October 19, 2009 Starring: Jack Nicholson, Faye Dunaway, John Huston Directed by: Roman Polanski This bleak detective noir follows luxuriously suited P.I. or ’snoop’ (he gathers evidence on cheating spouses) J.J. ‘Jake’ Gittes (Jack Nicolson) as he investigates corrupt water rights and Evelyn Mulwray’s (Faye Dunaway) dark family secrets in 1930s Los Angeles. More…

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    Jabot Blouse | Clothes on Film

    Posted by Chris Laverty on October 19, 2009 Starring: Jack Nicholson, Faye Dunaway, John Huston Directed by: Roman Polanski This bleak detective noir follows luxuriously suited P.I. or ’snoop’ (he gathers evidence on cheating spouses) J.J. ‘Jake’ Gittes (Jack Nicolson) as he investigates corrupt water rights and Evelyn Mulwray’s (Faye Dunaway) dark family secrets in 1930s Los Angeles. More…

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    Gucci | Clothes on Film

    Posted by Chris Laverty on October 21, 2009 Angelina Jolie is apparently being courted by Ridley Scott to star in ‘Gucci’; a film charting internal power struggles to control the fashion empire. Would love to see the costume budget for this one. During the 1970s-80’s the Gucci brand nearly collapsed amidst a bitter family feud; a feud that ended with Maurizio, grandson of founder Guccio Gucci, being assassinated outside his Milan apartment in 1995. Jolie is in talks to play Patrizia Reggiani, Maurizio’s ex-wife, currently banged-up in prison for plotting his murder. More… Posted by Chris Laverty on September 11, 2009 Some on-set photos of Wall Street 2 have just…

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    Gilbert Adrian | Clothes on Film

    Posted by Chris Laverty on October 23, 2009 After her flimsy pink slip on Skull Island, this is the second most significant outfit Naomi Watts wears as Ann Darrow in King Kong (2005). As simple as evening wear gets (though strictly in the context of the film it is stage wear), Ann’s white gown is authentically period accurate; 1930s was the couture decade that introduced the evening dress in its now familiar form. More…