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Home » What is Clothes on Film?

The aim of Clothes on Film is to examine fashion and identity in the movies.

With articles on specific outfits, reviews, news and whatever else seems to fit, we will create a mini-library of movie clothes for you to drop by and peruse whenever you like. Try flicking through the archive (left, under the ad), the search box (top right) or click through page by page at the bottom of the screen.

Generally we cannot go searching for ‘that blue tie Brad Pitt wears’ in such-and-such simply because a) it’s not really the remit of the site and b) there are not enough hours in the day. ‘We’ for the most part means ‘I’ – as in site editor Chris Laverty. Some help will always be forthcoming, but please be patient waiting for a response.

Clothes on film was voted UK’s Most Influential Cinema Blog* by Wikio. We beat Mark Kermode at the BBC. Not sure he will lose much sleep over it though.

List courtesy of HeyUGuys.co.uk

* April 2010


A gentle word of warning…for safety’s sake assume that all articles, reviews, essays, etc include spoilers. This is probably the sort of place to visit after you have seen the movie, not before. The reasons for spoilers are pretty obvious; to discuss the clothes in a film we need to talk about it – all of it.

Copyright Notice:

All written content and screencaps © 2009, 2010 Clothes on Film. Photo images used under license. On republishing a screencap(s) you must provide link to original post. No articles to be republished without prior permission.

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